5 Rare Mental Conditions You Never Heard Of
Millions of Americans are affected by mental conditions, and most of them are still unknown to the public because they are not very common. Schizophrenia or bipolar disorders are well-known because they are recurrent, but what about the other conditions…
The Ridiculously Comprehensive Guide to Eating Disorders: Part 2- Anorexia
Eating disorders like anorexia are very prevalent today because we spend a good chunk of our life transfixed by our phones and are fed constant information on the ideal body type. I’d like to say that most destructive things in…
The Ridiculously Comprehensive Guide to Eating Disorder. Part 1: Bulimia.
With the advent of the internet and social media, more and more people are conscious of their looks and how others view them. Most Gen Z, like me, has dealt or are currently dealing with a mental health issue at…