Top 5 Things To Know About Migraines
Not sure if you are suffering from a “simple headache” or a migraine? Do not hesitate to go to a pharmacy to receive more information (leaflets, migraine journal) about migraine. In addition, you can take a short ‘migraine test’. Headaches…
Real-Life X-Men: Genetic Mutations That Give You ‘Superpowers’
It may come as little surprise that it turns out that humans are 99.9% genetically identical. Yet, there’s a lot of variation expressed within the remaining 0.1%. How tall or short we are, what skills we have, our hair and…
Top 3 Things To Improve Customer Satisfaction In Your Pharmacy
The pharmacist’s job is not only about dispensing prescriptions or giving advice, about the legitimacy and trust of a patient base; it is also about taking into consideration a clientele whose reasons for visiting the pharmacy are motivated by problems…
The Paradox of Time Travel
Time travel makes regular appearances in popular culture, with innumerable time travel storylines in movies, television and literature. But it is a surprisingly old idea: one can argue that the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex, written by Sophocles over 2,500 years…
The Basics of Quantum Physics
What is quantum physics? Put simply, it’s the physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact. Quantum physics underlies how…
Top 5 Things To Know About Monkeypox
To date, the United Kingdom has reported nine cases of Monkeypox, an infectious disease that is not easily transmitted to humans. The first case, identified on May 7, 2022, occurred in a traveler returning from Nigeria. A week later, two…
Cybernetics: The Science Behind The Fiction
While cyborgs are familiar to everyone who’s come in touch with science-fiction, most people imagine RoboCop or Iron Man, and a surprising number of people still confuse cyborgs with androids, such as the Terminator and Lieutenant Data. But cyborgs are…
The Science Behind Risk Taking And Risk Aversion
We’ve all known that one person that has a tolerance for risk that utterly shocks everyone else. The person who will go whistling past the graveyard on their way to gamble their last dollar. To those less inclined to take…
Top 5 Things To Know About The Ocean
June 8 is World Ocean Day. This day, created in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio, aims to raise awareness of the crucial role that the ocean plays in our lives, our economy, and society in general. This day…
Top 5 Tips To Avoid Seasonal Depression
As autumn is in full swing, our spirits are falling to a low. Lack of light, falling temperatures, and rain are many reasons for this seasonal depression that overwhelms us. People suffering from SAD experience many of the symptoms of…