
Medical Transportation: Don’t Take Just Any Ambulance

When it comes to medical transportation, the type of ambulance you take should always be adapted to the purpose of the trip and its importance. Indeed, some are suitable for emergencies and others for simple medical visits.

In addition, it is up to the doctor to estimate the type of transport adapted to your state of health and your degree of autonomy, but it is up to you to choose the one that suits you best. This article will discover the different types of ambulances for medical transportation, depending on your situation.

Opt for an approved ambulance for non-emergency travel



A licensed ambulance is a vehicle with a driver designed to transport people for medical purposes. It is best suited to non-emergency cases that are planned in advance, such as a post-operative medical check-up.

Apart from the agreement related to medical trips, this vehicle for transporting people can operate as a classic ambulance. It offers only seated transportation for up to 3 people and has no special equipment. It does not have any special signage that allows it to navigate through traffic jams easily.

It is very advantageous to take an ambulance with an agreement because it is possible to be covered by your health insurance as a legal benefit. The coverage takes into account transportation for medical care, medical examinations, or medical check-ups and covers up to 100% of the costs.

However, this coverage is subject to the following conditions:

  • The medical prescription for transportation must be present and valid
  • The billing document must be present and credible
  • The insured’s entitlement to health insurance benefits must also be valid.

Moreover, the ambulance only takes care of patients with pathologies recognized by the social security. The ambulance driver’s responsibility is to check before the start of the journey: the insured’s entitlement and the rate of reimbursement.

This verification is done through the medical prescription and the paper certificate, which must mention a date of issue of less than 1 year and rights open to health insurance on the date of transport.

Contact a specialized ambulance for a long journey.


A specialized ambulance is used to transport patients to medical appointments over long distances. It is a light vehicle fitted out to facilitate transport and their passage in traffic. Its principles are similar to those of a conventional ambulance.

Moreover, it is specified by its white color and a 6-pointed cross to be qualified as a priority in traffic. Apart from taking medication and bandages, no primary care should be required during the trip.

In order to be authorized to circulate, specialized ambulances must have a professional driver qualified as an ambulance driver. As for the vehicle, it must meet hygiene standards to ensure the safety of the patient, which is controlled by the regional authorities in charge of health.

It must also be equipped with a first aid kit and be in good condition to avoid mechanical malfunctions, hence the interest of regular technical visits following its release.

Take a specialized ambulance in case of emergency.


A specialized ambulance is required to transport, evacuate, and treat a patient in an emergency to hospitals. It must also be driven by a driver holding a State Diploma of Ambulance Driver. It is easily recognizable by its distinctive signals (siren, white color, and red cross) and is given priority in traffic.

To meet the needs of the patient who requires a particular position (lying down or semi-lying), the vehicle must be equipped with hygiene material, diagnostic tools, various mobilization and life support equipment, such as a stretcher, a transfer mattress, a wheelchair, an oxygen tank, batches, etc.

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