
  • first trimester

    Body Changes During Pregnancy First Trimester

    Pregnancy’s first trimester may be both thrilling and frightening. The body of a person undergoes several modifications. Some of these changes may occur before you even realize what you’re expecting. Knowing what to anticipate and what to look for will…

  • cannabis
    Science,  Plants

    One Absolute Drawback Of Cannabis Plant

    Cannabis plants are used to produce different by-products and there is a resurgence in their use for medical purposes. Medical marijuana, hemp, oil and so on, but one of their particular characteristics is that they can absorb heavy metals from…

  • Why Are You Destined to Disappear
    Population,  Science

    Why Are You Destined to Disappear

    Why Are You Destined to Disappear Another primary concern of the 1960s, besides nuclear annihilation, was overpopulation. In 1968, the world population growth rate was over 2 percent, the highest in history! In 1965, when American singer Tom Lehrer recorded…

  • covid
    Coronavirus,  Science

    Omicron; What Do We Know?

    Three major factors will determine the degree of the new Omicron strain of the Covid virus on the world. What is this new Covid variant’s transmissibility? How well does it evade the antibodies and T-cells that make up an individual’s…

  • The Origin And Development Of Biochemistry

    The Origin And Development Of Biochemistry

    Biochemistry forms the meeting ground of two great sciences: biology and chemistry. There is a Greek word, bios, which means “life.” For that reason, biology is the name given to the study of living things – animals, plants and microscopic forms of…

  • Cancer

    The Top 5 Deadliest Cancers

    Cancer is the disease of the century; you may disapprove and think that the Covid-19 is this century’s disease, but it is said that cancer was discovered around 1500 BC, yet there is no concrete cure. Most cancers are still…

  • chemistry

    The Ridiculous Thorough Guide to HIV (part 1)

    We don’t learn much at school ado we? Who uses the Pythagoras theorem in real life, or when will it be useful for me to know how many sonnets a Shakespearean poem has? School doesn’t teach us about real life,…

  • Science

    The Science of Indoor Pollution

    There are many people who love pets. Yet they still don’t understand what is the best way to remove pet odor. Pet owners can do anything for their pooches. From sharing food to sleeping in the same bed. They have…